Grade 7-10 BBQ
ISC-DIP’s grade 7-10 annual barbeque took place on the 30th of October, 2014. The barbeque was organized and held in our school’s extensive football field.
Starting at 4:30 p.m., students choose from a variety of sports and activities, such as football, basket ball, field racing or just simply listening to their favorite music continuously playing. After these exhausting yet wonderful events, the students and the staff were satisfied with a mouth-watering delicious buffet, serving freshly grilled meat and chicken accompanied with salads and breads (not to mention the fizzy drinks!), cooked by ISC-DIP’s very own teachers!
After the delicious food was eaten, a cake-baking competition was held where students had the chance to display their home-made confectionaries. This year, however, all our participants became winners, because each baked cake was beautiful to look at and flavorsome to taste. The last event to enjoy at our BBQ was a hilarious karaoke game, where both teachers and students sang along to their favorite tunes. By the end of the day, students and teachers went home with full stomachs and huge smiles.