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Talent Show

On the 14th of January, 2016, our school hosted it’s very first, much anticipated Talent Show! Preparations were made by the seniors and prefects of the SLO, including the difficult task of selecting participants to perform on this special afternoon. The whole of the secondary school (grades 7 to 11) were invited to attend the show, making that day truly memorable! 

The Talent Show took place in the school theatre, and commenced with a few words from the Director. This was then followed by several different acts, showcased by various, wonderful, singers, musicians, magicians, a comedian, and a beat boxer! All the performers deserved and received a big round of applause; after all, it isn’t easy to capture the attention of the entire audience! But the surprising element of the Talent Show was the last performance by Grade Eleven, which had all the students laughing and cheering on with their comedy and musical act! The event was an incredible one, and the credit must go to the ‘talented’ prefects, organizers, staff, and finally to the SLO®. We look forward to the sequel! Thank you!